Acne: Its types and cures

Acne occurs when the sebum mixes with dead skin cells and clogs your pores. People with acne have abnormal shedding of the cells that line their hair follicles and hyperproduction of sebum, these two factors in turn lead to the congestion of the pores. 

Acne is usually divided into two groups, non-inflammatory and inflammatory acne and within these sub-groups there are different types of acne. 

Let's look at each one of them in the following section. 

Types of Acne

Non-inflammatory acne is also known as comedonal acne. Instead of big, red and active pimples, non-inflammatory ones are little blackheads and whiteheads, generally where your face is oilier, like the T-zone area. They are caused by the clogging of the hair follicles of the skin.

1. Whiteheads: They are also known as closed comedones and appear as little white bumps because of the trapped dead skin cells and sebum. Whiteheads are covered by a thin layer of skin and are not exposed to the air, so they appear white or yellowish, which is also the default color of oil and dead skin cells.

2. Blackheads: These are open comedones that expose the trapped oil and dead skin cells to the air. Blackheads are described as black because the oxygen in the air reacts with the trapped substances and makes the pimple look black.

Inflammatory acne is usually caused by an overgrowth of a bacteria that lives on the skin and increases inflammation. This type of acne can appear as papules, pustules, nodules, and cysts.

  1. Papules:These are tender bumps with redness and swelling, have no fluid and are less than 5mm. Papules are usually caused by dead skin cells clogging the pores and increasing inflammation. 

  2. Pustules:Pustules are known as inflamed lesions with a visible whitehead that may be tempting to squeeze. They are usually 1-5mm and are often caused by the overgrowth of certain skin bacteria. 

  3. Nodules:These are large, firm, red bumps and extend deeper than a papule and are quite painful. 

  4. Cysts: These are the deep kind of 

    acne under the skin

    that seems to take forever to go away. They are highly inflamed and/or draining acne nodules and can have more of a genetic or hormonal origin.

Treatment of Acne 

The best way to treat acne is to have a proper skincare routine that includes products ranging from Azani acne clarifying cleanser and 2% Salicylic Acid (BHA) Liquid Exfoliant, Facial Exfoliant for Blackheads, Enlarged Pores, Acne & Acne Marks ,Women & Men

exfoliator to a moisturiser and sunscreen. One of the most effective ways to treat acne is by using products that encourage cell shedding, breakup sebum, and gently exfoliate the dead skin cells. 

Make sure to incorporate Retinoids into your routine as it will encourage cell turnover, increase collagen production, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and fade pigmentation. 

The Takeaway 

Treating acne is a marathon, not a sprint; in other words, start low and go slow to get better end results. Identify the type of acne you have and treat it accordingly. Give time to the products you are using and make sure to follow a proper skin care routine to prevent cystic acne.